Class JoseUtils

  • public final class JoseUtils
    extends Object
    Utility class that takes care of all the JOSE stuff.

    Internal class, do not use in your project! The API may change anytime, in a breaking manner, and without prior notice.

    • Method Detail

      • createJoseRequest

        public static JSONBuilder createJoseRequest​(URL url,
                                                    KeyPair keypair,
                                                    JSONBuilder payload,
                                                    String nonce,
                                                    String kid)
        Creates an ACME JOSE request.
        url - URL of the ACME call
        keypair - KeyPair to sign the request with
        payload - ACME JSON payload. If null, a POST-as-GET request is generated instead.
        nonce - Nonce to be used. null if no nonce is to be used in the JOSE header.
        kid - kid to be used in the JOSE header. If null, a jwk header of the given key is used instead.
        JSON structure of the JOSE request, ready to be sent.
      • createExternalAccountBinding

        public static Map<String,​ObjectcreateExternalAccountBinding​(String kid,
                                                                            PublicKey accountKey,
                                                                            SecretKey macKey,
                                                                            String macAlgorithm,
                                                                            URL resource)
        Creates a JSON structure for external account binding.
        kid - Key Identifier provided by the CA
        accountKey - PublicKey of the account to register
        macKey - SecretKey to sign the key identifier with
        macAlgorithm - Algorithm of the MAC key
        resource - "newAccount" resource URL
        Created JSON structure
      • thumbprint

        public static byte[] thumbprint​(PublicKey key)
        Computes a thumbprint of the given public key.
        key - PublicKey to get the thumbprint of
        Thumbprint of the key
      • keyAlgorithm

        public static String keyAlgorithm​(org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey jwk)
        Analyzes the key used in the JsonWebKey, and returns the key algorithm identifier for JsonWebSignature.
        jwk - JsonWebKey to analyze
        algorithm identifier
        IllegalArgumentException - there is no corresponding algorithm identifier for the key